Full Service

Is “Full Service” Organizing for me?

  • I love and seek the beautifully designed and detailed look of an organized space but don’t have the vision on how it will all come together.

  • I’m overwhelmed by the chaos and stuck not knowing where to start and keep motivated to finish my space(s).

  • I am busy, working hard in the home or outside of the home and do not have time or even want to deal with the hassle of shopping for what I need, planning what will go where, organizing all of my stuff, labeling what needs to be labeled, cleaning up, I just want it DONE!

We handle it ALL for you


Starting at $1,170 per space

We’re details people.

Here are the details you need to know about what to expect, what you get, & why you want it.


  • Every project we do is unique to the person and the place. As part of your customized proposal, we always include estimated organizing hours, the number of spaces and amount stuff you own. Our Hourly rate is $120/hour for 2 organizers. Minimum 6-hour day, Maximum 8hr-day.

    We value your time, and as a mother-daughter duo, we get more done efficiently.

  • During your consultation, we will discuss budget, whether you want to use your current organizing products, add to them, or start from scratch to create your ideal aesthetic.

    With Shelf-Esteem, we help create the perfect balance of flow and flawlessness in your space.

  • We can help you figure it out during your consult! Share with us the spaces where you feel the most overwhelmed (you don’t even want to walk in the room). Give us the hard stuff!


  • You are paying us for our expertise and completely done for you experience. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that what we implement, will be right the first time! We save you time and energy spent on nights and weekends you would have spent, decluttering, shopping for what you need, setting up systems and labeling.

    Even if your partner is skeptical, we will win them over! (We always do!) It’s hard to understand the impact organization can make on your day-to-day life. Once you experience organization first hand, you’ll want systems in every room of your home!

  • For Packing and Unpacking, as soon as you know you are moving, get on our calendar. For all regular organizing projects, generally 2-3 weeks out is a good time frame, so we have plenty of time for consult, planning, and ordering products.

    Decluttering-only and maintenance sessions require very little lead time a d can often be booked the same week, if we have appointments available.

  • Absolutely! Solving tricky problems is our bread and butter. We are not cookie-cutter organizers! We thrive on spaces that feel overwhelming and challenging to you because we’ve organized and reorganized our own spaces so many times that we’ve (hands-on) figured out what works and doesn’t work.

Time to call in the organizing professionals!

Like PB&J, Mac & Cheese, or The Home Edit & rainbows, you & Shelf-Esteem were made for one another.

Working with Shelf-Esteem Organizers just feels right.